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CBD Blog

Discover our blog dedicated to CBD: insightful articles for a better understanding.

If you've been following our articles, you'll know that we repeat quite often that, according to the leading health organizations in France and around the world, CBD consumption presents no particular danger. Nevertheless, it is an active substance. As such, CBD is capable of acting on a very large number [...].

As the popularity of CBD continues to grow, it can be found in many forms. In particular, it has conquered food, with the creation of numerous CBD-enriched food products, and cosmetics, with a wide range of CBD balms, soaps and other topical products. However, CBD capsules and other CBD-enriched [...]

Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) affect neurodevelopment and manifest themselves very early in life. In general, autistic disorders are detected before the age of 36 months. The expression of autistic disorders can have repercussions at several levels, varying from one person to the next. For this reason, we are more likely to [...]

Since 2018 and its free marketing, CBD has been winning over new enthusiasts every day, attracted by the potential virtues of this molecule derived from hemp. Easy to use, available in several forms (oil, herbal tea, capsule...), and known for its anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving and neuroprotective properties, CBD can prove highly beneficial, particularly among seniors. [...]

Since its authorization in France on 2018, CBD has quickly become a mainstream consumer product. With the free sale of these products in all their forms, many are legitimately wondering about the benefits and risks associated with regular cannabidiol (CBD) consumption. In this article, you'll find answers to [...]

Since CBD and hemp have been authorized for sale in France, the little flowers favored by many French people have become widespread in many fields. Whether in raw form, in resin, in oil, in capsules or even as a component of cosmetic creams of all kinds, products containing [...]

Social anxiety disorder can affect anyone. The manifestations of this phenomenon are numerous. Among them, for example, is the fear of being judged or rejected by others. The fear provoked by anxiety can cause some people to shut down in order to avoid certain everyday situations. Social anxiety [...]

Combining CBD and yoga may seem strange. Yet the two share many common features. Starting with relaxation. CBD users know all too well that one of its benefits is to promote relaxation. For yoga practitioners, relaxation is an integral part of the discipline. It is a [...]

  Difficulty getting a good night's sleep, too many thoughts at the time of falling asleep, insomnia, sleepwalking... Sleep disorders are frequent and numerous. According to a study by the Institut National du Sommeil et de la Vigilance (National Sleep and Vigilance Institute) carried out in 2021,1 the French sleep an average of 6 hours 41 minutes during the week and 7 hours 33 minutes at weekends. These figures represent a drop of [...].

Very much in vogue since its marketing authorization in June 2018 in France, CBD is generating a lot of debate and sometimes controversy. Questions about its side effects are at the heart of quite legitimate questioning. We take stock to better understand this molecule and ensure thoughtful consumption [...]

What is Lyme disease? Lyme disease, or Lyme borreliosis, is caused by the bacterium "Borrelia Burgdorferi". It is usually transmitted to humans and animals by hard tick bites during contact with nature (farm work or walks in the forest), mainly between [...].

In the form of oil, capsules, flowers, resins, herbal teas... CBD (cannabidiol) is attracting growing interest due to its many health benefits. It's invading both physical retail outlets and the Internet. It's not just a passing fad: CBD has many advantages, and can be the [...]

    Arthritis and osteoarthritis: what are they? In its broadest sense, arthritis refers to inflammation of the joints, leading to the production of quinine and the progressive destruction of the joints. In the narrower sense, it refers to more than a hundred different forms of inflammation affecting tendons, ligaments, nerves or other joint components.

Epilepsy in a nutshell... The word epilepsy comes from the Greek "epilambanein", meaning "to take by surprise". Although this neurological disease takes many forms, what it has in common is its unpredictability. Approximately 500,000 people in France suffer from epilepsy, and although medicine offers a number of [...]

What is CBD? Cannabidiol (CBD) is a substance found in Cannabis, but unlike THC, cannabidiol has no psychoactive effect. CBD interacts with the brain's CB1 and CB2 receptors, as well as with anandamide, a neurotransmitter also known as the "happy molecule", acting as a calmative and [...].

What is diabetes? Diabetes or chronic hyperglycemia is characterized by an excess of sugar in the blood, resulting in excessively high glucose levels. It results from a disturbance in the assimilation, use and storage of sugars in the diet. Two essential hormones, insulin and glucose, are involved.

  Before understanding the impact of cannabidiol (CBD) on the pathologies of endometriosis and menstrual pain, a few definitions are in order: What is endometriosis? Endometriosis is a chronic, generally recurrent disease that affects 6 to 10% of the female population. The endometrium is the lining of the uterus. When this mucous membrane develops elsewhere in the [...]

  Before understanding the impact of cannabidiol (CBD) on pain, a few definitions are in order: What is pain? Pain is an "unpleasant sensory and emotional experience". Generally speaking, pain is classified into two categories according to its duration: so-called acute pain, which corresponds to a real [...].

    Throughout history, hemp has been used for its medicinal virtues since the dawn of time. In fact, it has many virtues. This is partly due to its interaction with the endocannabinoid system. The endocannabinoid system is made up of a set of receptors found throughout humans and mammals, [...].

Anxiety is a reality that affects many people on a daily basis, whether it manifests itself as temporary stress or a deeper disorder impacting quality of life. Faced with this modern scourge, many solutions exist, ranging from drug treatments to natural approaches such as relaxation, yoga, meditation... and CBD. [...]

What are headaches and migraines? A headache is generally referred to as a "headache". Migraine, on the other hand, is a specific form of headache. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), headaches are a major health problem [1]. It ranks tenth worldwide among the most incapacitating pathologies. In [...]

Insomnia, night-time awakenings, chronic fatigue... These sleep disorders have a direct impact on concentration, mood and quality of life. Faced with the side effects of sleeping pills, CBD (cannabidiol) presents itself as a natural alternative. In this article, find out how CBD affects sleep and what scientific studies have to say about it [...].

According to the WHO, 39% of adults worldwide are overweight and 13% are obese, making overweight and obesity the fifth leading cause of death worldwide (along with diabetes, cancer and concomitant heart problems) [1] Understanding weight gain Weight gain and metabolism Weight gain is a [...].

Acne is a common skin condition among teenagers, and can be very difficult to deal with, leading to problems that can be irreversible: pimples, scars... To get rid of it, various drug treatments can be effective. However, they don't work in all cases, and some can have serious side effects. This is precisely what [...]

What is Crohn's disease? Crohn's disease is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). It mainly affects the colon and small intestine, but unlike ulcerative colitis (an autoimmune disease), the inflammation can extend from the mouth to the anus. Symptoms of Chronic Inflammatory Bowel Disease The symptoms of chronic [...]

Inflammatory skin diseases such as eczema and psoriasis affect millions of people worldwide. Redness, itching, flaking... These chronic conditions can impair quality of life and often require long-term, sometimes restrictive, treatment. While conventional medicine relies mainly on skin creams based on [...].

What is fibromyalgia? Fibromyalgia or fibromyalgia syndrome [1] is a poorly recognized rheumatic disease that is complicated to treat. More common in middle-aged women (onset between 20 and 50), fibromyalgia is characterized by intense joint and muscle pain, fatigue, sleep disturbance, [...].

  Depression in a nutshell A widespread illness that affects women twice as much as men. Depression is a mental illness characterized by, among other things, morbid thoughts, sadness, eating and sleeping disorders, loss of pleasure and interest, low self-esteem and marked anxiety. In [...]

What is ADHD? ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Disorder, with or without hyperactivity. It is also referred to by the acronym ADHD: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. It's a neurological condition with the same impact as ASD. It manifests itself either as: inattention: difficulty concentrating, [...], [...], [...], [...], [...], [...] or [...].

Cancer is one of the major challenges of our time, affecting millions of people worldwide every year. Environmental factors, pollution, stress, processed food, a sedentary lifestyle... The potential causes of its development are numerous and are the subject of ongoing research. Modern medicine is relentlessly exploring new solutions to limit the [...]

What is schizophrenia? Schizophrenia is a chronic and particularly serious mental illness. It is classified as a psychosis, accompanied by obsessions and resulting in a "loss of contact with reality". This mental disorder is relatively common, affecting 600,000 people in France and around 1% of the world's population[1] [...] [...].

Cannabidiol, or CBD for short, is one of the many molecules found in the hemp plant. It is estimated to contain over 200 other molecules, but CBD is the cannabinoid most present in the hemp flower. Man's use of hemp goes back a long way. The first traces date back to the [...]