THCN: the new hyper-powerful CBD derivative that's totally legal!
We are very proud to present our latest acquisition:
THCN. Strictly speaking, this is not a
CBD derivativenor a minor cannabinoid such as
CBDPor THCP, but its name is not usurped,
it's a powerful, innovative blend, so hot off the press!
THC N: a new way of doing things
THCN is not a cannabinoid or a newly discovered molecule, and unlike CBD or
10 OH HHCits name does not reflect its molecular structure. It's more a reflection of its effects and product range, but we'll come back to that later. THCN's real name, as given by the laboratory that created it, is THC N-15. But as
THMIt has nothing to do with the famous tetrahydrocannabinol, which is banned above 0.3% concentration. It's actually a classic CBD flower, containing a natural proportion of CBD, CBDA, CBG, CBGA, CBN and CBC, infused in a high-concentration CBN isolate concentrate. Depending on the variety, the
concentration ranges from 25 to over 50% CBN! All in all,
the process is much the same as for moonrocks and icerocks before they are rolled in kief. But instead of using CBD concentrate for infusion, we use CBN.
What is CBN? What does it do?
CBN is a natural cannabinoid, but unlike the others, it is not synthesized by hemp and cannabis during plant growth. CBN is derived from the oxidation of THC. As you may know, THC is a fragile molecule, deteriorating rapidly when exposed to UV light, air and heat. If a cannabis bud is left in the sun, the THC present will begin to decarboxylate and convert to CBN. In terms of effects, although studies on the subject are limited, CBN is known for its powerful sedative and analgesic properties, particularly when combined with other cannabinoids. It is said to induce a
deep sense of calm and a pleasant feeling of muscular relaxation which also makes it a good candidate for helping you get to sleep. On its own, it has no psychoactive, euphoric or addictive effects.
THCN: supposed properties
THCN is a completely new product. It has not been the subject of any scientific study, and all we know about its properties are those we have experienced when tasting it and those we can deduce from its composition:
- 25 to 50% CBN infused
- 10 to 20% cbd
- less than 1% minor cannabinoids (CBDA, CBG, CBGA, CBN, CBC, etc.)
- minus 0.3% thc
When we tasted it, we found that
THCN is a particularly powerful CBD derivativeFor us, it is a worthy successor to molecules that may have been marketed before the June 2024 ban. In the tradition of CBN, it provides a feeling of psychological relaxation, balancing between sedation and mild euphoria. It's not really an energizing product, which lends itself to partying. It's more likely to make for pleasant evenings spent chilling out. What's more, like many cannabinoids,
the combination of CBN and CBD could help induce rapid, deep sleep. And it could also cause incredible cravings.
What difference does an infusion of CBN make?
There are several ways of adding cannabinoids to products: you can add oil or extract concentrate to flower or resin. Some manufacturers even add CBD powder or spray to their products. But all these processes are external to the plant, unlike infusion, which is a process that adds the cannabinoid inside the plant. In this way, it radically alters the consumption experience.
Our infusion method promotes interaction between cannabinoids and their bioavailability. Indeed, infusing CBN directly into the product will help create a better entourage effect, as the cannabinoids and terpenes present in the flower will interact with the infused CBN, creating a tenfold effect. At the same time, this method of adding cannabinoids offers better absorption: more of the cannabinoid present is absorbed by the body. This is in contrast to an externally added cannabinoid, most of which is often degraded before it is even consumed. Addition by infusion has a more "natural" side, in that the cannabinoid is integrated into the plant in the same way as if it had been synthesized by the plant itself,
which makes for a more pleasant and intense consumer experience. Legality and safety profile of THCN
Like the
MCPN and our other derivatives, THCN is made from CBD flowers grown organically in compliance with French and European regulations. All flowers are selected from authorized hemp varieties and supplied by approved and controlled farmers and wholesalers. All batches of THCN are analyzed by independent laboratories, certifying the exact composition of the flowers and in particular the THC content, which is always below the legal threshold of 0.3%.
THCN flowers and resins are therefore perfectly legal and authorized in France. France and much of Europe. In terms of safety, THCN flowers are produced using processes and compounds known and authorized for their high level of safety and absence of harmful effects such as addiction or dependence. However, as no studies have yet been carried out on THCN, we advise you to use it with the utmost caution and avoid excessive consumption. This product is not a medicine and should not be used as such under any circumstances. Please keep out of reach of children and do not use during pregnancy. THCN flowers and resins are delivered in hermetically sealed packaging. The producers and distributor cannot be held responsible for the contents once the seal has been broken.
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