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Delta-9 THC edibles? Yes, it's possible!

THC candies surrounding a cannabis leaf on a white background

No, you're not dreaming, we're in France, and we're talking about food products enriched with Delta 9 THC, the famous tetrahydrocannabinol.


Gummies, brownies, cookies, syrups and more, all enhanced with THC or THC-CBD or THC-CBN combinations for even more effect.


Think it's too good to be true? We can explain!


Legal Delta-9 THC products


As you know, in France, Snoop Dogg may be carrying the Olympic torch, but the authorities don't look kindly on THC consumption.

Even so, France is one of Europe's leading consumers.
It is estimated that one out of every two French people smokes cannabis in their lifetime, representing a vast market that manufacturers are dreaming of conquering. To this end, they are developing products that will appeal to consumers, while complying with current regulations.

In France, as in most European countries, the sale and consumption of THC is not prohibited as long as the product contains less than 0.3% Delta-9 THC. Gummies comply with this requirement.
These products are generally 5 or 12.5 grams in size, and can contain up to 10 and 25 mg THC respectively.
A dose of THC equivalent to that found in 0.3g of cannabis flowers with 20% THC.

As a result, manufacturers can offer products containing a relatively high dose of Delta-9 THC while complying with French and European regulations .


Delta 9 THC and THC, what's the difference?


Delta 9 THC is a cannabinoid. There are other analogues to it, such as Delta 8, 10 and 11 THC. But Delta 9 THC is the molecule mainly present in cannabis flowers and the one responsible for its psychoactive effects. It is therefore conventionally referred to as THC.


The effects of Delta 9 THC edibles


As you probably know, THC is a fragile molecule: when THC is smoked, part of the active ingredient is destroyed. When consumed in the form of gummies, cookies or brownies, a greater proportion of THC is converted into 11 OH THC, which is its main psychoactive metabolite, a bit like the THC version of 10 OH HHC. Nevertheless, the effects are much the same:


  • Physical relaxation
  • A whiff of euphoria
  • Stimulates appetite
  • Causes a high

When THC is ingested, these effects take longer to be felt (between 30 minutes and 2 hours) and last longer. Like cannabis, D9 THC gummies can also cause a bad trip, so it's important to avoid overconsumption.


Delta 8 THC vs Delta 9 THC


Delta 8 and 9 THC are closely related. Their chemical structure differs only in the carbon chain. Delta 9 has a double bond - a chemical bond in which two pairs of electrons are shared between two atoms - between the ninth and tenth carbons of the chain, while Delta 8 has this double bond between the eighth and ninth carbons.

If you've followed our previous articles, particularly those on THCB, THCP and THCJD, you'll know that even a minor change results in a different stimulation of the endocannabinoid receptors, which changes the effects of the molecule.

According to research, Delta 8 THC is less rapidly absorbed than Delta 9, so its effect is slower and gentler. It also has a reduced potency, around 50-80% of Delta 9's. And finally, this softer action gives it a lighter, clearer high, with less risk of paranoia and bad trips.

comparison of the molecular structure of D8 thc and D9 thc

Edible delta 9 thc and tests


Apart from the warnings about overconsumption, and although these sweets are legal under the law, eating gummies and other cookies with Delta 9 thc can make you test positive, which can lead to sanctions for drivers, sportsmen and other regulated bodies such as the army.

THC tests: how long Delta-9 THC remains in the bloodstream

THC positivity depends on a number of factors, such as your consumption habits and the type of test performed. Traces of THC can be detected in urine for 3 to 5 days in the case of occasional users, and up to 30 to 70 days in the case of heavy users.
In the blood, the duration is shorter, between 2 and 8 hours for occasional users, and up to several weeks for the most regular users.
Finally, in saliva, Delta-9 THC, even when ingested, can be detectable up to 8 hours after intake in the case of heavy users.


How can you be positive for Delta 9 THC for less time?

There are a number of solutions that could enable you to test positive for THC for a shorter period of time when you have consumed CBD or delta 9 THC edibles.

  • Anti-THC Kleaner: designed to temporarily neutralize THC residues in saliva by modifying the pH of the mouth.
  • Hydration: Drinking plenty of water or naturally diuretic products such as coffee or tea can help dilute traces of delta 9 THC in the urine.
  • Sport or sauna: Sweating eliminates toxins from the bloodstream, so regular sport or sauna use can help eliminate THC from the blood.

It should be noted that the above techniques offer variable results and depend on a number of factors.


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