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HPE CBD: an unknown new synthetic molecule

a futuristic laboratory with a HPE CBD molecule in the middle

You've heard of HPE CBD flowers and resins and are wondering what they are? HPE stands for High Potential Effect, a new synthetic cannabinoid.

Unlike CBD, or even CBDP, HPE is not produced by hemp plants, it's a synthetic molecule created in the laboratory. So where does this molecule come from? What are its effects and potential dangers? What do consumers think? Discover HPE from every angle.

HPE CBD: What exactly is it?

HPE, for "high potential effect" in French, is a recent molecule. Its first appearance in CBD e-shops dates back to July 2024. That's just over a month after the ban on THCP, H4CBD, THCJD and HHCPO derivatives.

The first online CBD stores to mention HPE CBD describe a "synthetic molecule designed to amplify the effects of natural cannabinoids", which would make HPE a CBD with tenfold potency. However, none of these sites disclose even a minimal chemical composition of this molecule. Nor the name of the laboratory or chemist behind this discovery.

Unlike other synthetic creations such as CBG9, THCPO or the new PHC we'll soon be telling you about, which are synthetic versions created from identified cannabinoids whose chemical manipulations are known (acetylations and hydrogenation for the most part). The molecular structure and/or chemical manipulations used to synthesize HPE are totally opaque.

As far as scientific literature is concerned, it's radio silence: no database such as PudMed, nor any scientific journal, seems to be aware of, or at least interested in, HPE CBD.

So, to answer the question "what is HPE?", we can answer little more than: nobody knows!

The effects of HPE CBD flowers and resins

Given that nobody seems to know what molecule lies behind the acronym HPE, and that the expression "High Potential Effect" has all the characteristics of a commercial acronym, like our THM, we'd be hard pressed to describe the precise effects of HPE.

Nevertheless, some e-shops lend it effects similar to CBD, in a more potent version, they speak :

  • Relaxing effects that could lead to improved sleep, reduced stress and anxiety, better recovery after sport, improved concentration and overall well-being.
  • Anti-inflammatory effects, said to be superior to those of CBD.
  • Improved sensory perception.
  • Intense euphoria.
  • Etc.

All these effects are, of course, hypothetical. In the absence of clear identification of the molecule known as HPE CBD, there seems to be no evidence that these effects are safe or even real.

a futuristic laboratory with HPE CBD flowers and resins in the middle

The dangers of using HPE CBD

As you can see, as long as we don't know more about the composition of HPE, all conjectures are permitted as much about its effects as about its dangers. In any case, both are potential.

Some online stores claim it has many beneficial effects, while others, on the contrary, call for caution towards HPE CBD by virtue of rather serious dangers that have reportedly been reported. Risks such as:

  • Potential problems of addiction and dependence due to its powerful effects and lack of experience with the molecule
  • The triggering of psychological disorders including anxiety, irritability, moral and mood instability, which can have a negative impact on well-being, sleep quality...
  • Impaired cognitive faculties such as memory, concentration and decision-making

Not to mention that HPE, being a known active molecule, can interact with other active compounds (CBD, alcohol...) as well as with certain medical treatments.

Legality and HPE CBD

Having reached this point in our research into HPE CBD, and in view of its potential beneficial and/or undesirable effects, some may wonder whether this molecule is indeed legal. The answer is yes.

HPE is totally legal as long as it contains less than 0.3% THC, less than 0.3% THCV, and no other prohibited molecules (THCP, HHC...).

This is the fate of all new molecules. Most European legislation, including that of France, does not automatically ban new compounds subject to inspection. In fact, the opposite is true: all new molecules in the food sector - since CBD, its derivatives and products sold as such are classified as food supplements in France - are automatically authorized subject to the ANSM, the French food and drug safety agency, being able to demonstrate properties that are dangerous to health or represent a risk.

This is why the various synthetic or semi-synthetic formulas, such as H4CBD, H3CBD, before them HHC and before them Spyce, can be sold for a while before being banned.

HPE CBD consumer review

Given that both the sites extolling the HPE effects and those warning of the potential dangers they represent claim to be based on customer feedback, opinion seems to be divided on the HPE.

But the main problem when it comes to consulting real HPE reviews - on blogs, forums and even social networks - is the fact that the molecule isn't very well known or widely sold, so very few consumer reviews can be found about it.

The few reviews we've managed to find are less alarmist than the sites that talk about it. Consumers who use it recreationally generally speak of effects substantially similar to those of H4CBD or high-potency CBD.

In the end, it's just what the salespeople say it is.


The effects of HPE CBD compared with cannabinoids


Again, as HPE is not identifiable, it is difficult to judge its effects. Based on our experience and consumer feedback, we can try to describe its effects in relation to other cannabinoids.


As HPE CBD is designed to be like a more potent CBD, it seems to deliver the same effects as the more potent version. In comparison, HPE CBD seems to produce more pronounced effects, with a feeling of deeper relaxation and a slight euphoria according to some users.


THC is certainly the best-known cannabinoid, and is illegal due to its psychoactivity and addictive effects. Next to THC, HPE doesn't seem to produce such powerful effects, although it does seem to induce a slight euphoria and a feeling of increased well-being.


THV-N10 is the latest addition to our range. It's a cannabinoid mix known for its mildly psychoactive, concentration- and energy-boosting effects. Compared with HPE, THV-N10 produces more psychoactive effects and creates a stimulating effect, unlike HPE which produces a relaxing and soothing effect.


Our final review of the HPE CBD

As you probably know, at CBDOO we're pretty much in favor of the new cannabinoids and CBD derivatives. Nevertheless, we like to know a little about the molecules supposedly present in the products available for purchase and sale.

For this reason, we would not recommend this type of product to those seeking real effects on well-being, and would confine ourselves solely to known and proven molecules such as CBD, CBG or CBN, for example.

On the other hand, for adventurous consumers simply looking to try out new experiences or discover as many cannabinoids as possible, we can neither dissuade nor encourage you to try HPE CBD.

The risks are present with all CBD derivatives and, more broadly, with all active substances, whatever they may be. If you're planning to try HPE CBD, we urge you to take care and start with small doses to avoid unpleasant surprises!

And to conclude, if you're looking for a known and identified alternative to banned derivatives, we recommend you look at 10-OH-HHC!

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