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In addition to H4CBD, two other molecules will be available on the French and European markets in 2023: THCV and THCP. These are two of the many cannabinoids present in cannabis. As you probably know, alongside the two best-known and most concentrated compounds, THC and CBD, there are [...].
The supply of legal CBD is constantly evolving. Just a few weeks after the ban on HHC, new products have appeared on the shelves. THCP, THCV and the one we're going to talk about here: H4CBD. What's its history? What are its effects? What are the benefits and [...]
Since time immemorial, numerous planting methods have been tested and adopted by every civilization and every gardener. Growing according to the lunar cycle is one of the most popular methods for those wishing to plant hemp and harvest CBD flowers. The different phases of the moon have a significant effect on the [...]
Discover our CBD flowers Ingredients: - 1 l rum - 15 g CBD flowers - 3 tablespoons honey or 3 tablespoons cane sugar syrup - 2 teaspoons ginger - 1 lime - 1 vanilla pod Preparation steps: [...]
Unlike tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychotropic substance in cannabis, CBD is legal and has no "recreational" properties. On the other hand, CBD, like CBT and other secondary cannabinoids, could be effective in combating addiction, regulating insomnia, stress, anxiety and chronic pain, among other things. It is [...]
Cannabis: a plant with a history stretching back thousands of years There is archaeological evidence that cannabis was used around 10,000 years ago in Central Asia and on the Indian subcontinent. It is thought that early humans used cannabis for its strong fibres and nutritious seeds. The use of [...]
After choosing beautiful, intensely scented CBD flowers, you're wondering how to store them. Your goal: to keep them in the same condition as when you received them. Your mission: to protect them from air, light, humidity and temperature variations! Discover our CBD products [...]
Popular worldwide, Amnesia Haze CBD has been a runaway success for many years. Particularly popular with cannabis consumers, this sativa-dominant hybrid hemp flower is bursting with citrus aromas and flavours. Rich in CBD, it stands out for its potency and stimulating effects. Focus on [...]
Difficulty getting a good night's sleep, too many thoughts at the time of falling asleep, insomnia, sleepwalking... Sleep disorders are frequent and numerous. According to a study by the Institut National du Sommeil et de la Vigilance (National Sleep and Vigilance Institute) carried out in 2021,1 the French sleep an average of 6 hours 41 minutes during the week and 7 hours 33 minutes at weekends. These figures represent a drop of [...].