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Terms and conditions

Terms of Sales



Cbdoo.shop online store regulations | CBD Flowers


Defines the rules of the sales contract by the Store, containing the most important information about the Seller, the Store and the rights of the Consumer.





Contact with the seller

Technical requirements

In-store purchases


Order execution

The right to rescind the Contract

Exceptions to the right to rescind the Contract


Personal data


Annex n ° 1: An example of rescission of the Contract


1. Definitions


Working days – Monday to Friday, except holidays.


 Account – a function in the Store, free of charge, governed by separate regulations (service provided electronically), through which the Buyer can create their Individual Account in the store.


 Consumer – Consumer within the meaning of the French Civil Code.


 Buyers – each entity purchasing from the Store.


 Regulations – these regulations.


Store – Cbdoo.shop CBD Flowers online store operated by the Seller at https://www.Cbdoo.shop.


 Seller – GOELEPHANT LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY with registered office at ZAMKNIĘTA Street, No. 10, loc. 1.6, 30-554 Krakow, Poland, registered in the National Court Register – Register of Entrepreneurs at the District Court of Krakow in downtown Krakow, XI Department of Commerce of the National Court, no. Krs 0000895538, tax identification number 6793215884, registration number 388719963.


 2. Contact with the Seller


Postal address: ul. ZAMKNIĘTA, n ° 10, loc. 1.6, 30-554 KRAKÓW, POLSKA.


 Email address: cbdoo@cbdoo.shop


 Telephone: +33 7 82 30 19 35 / +48 577 397 337


 3. Technical requirements


For the Store to function properly, you need:


A device with Internet access

An internet browser supporting JavaScript and cookies.


To place an order in the Store, with the exception of the requirements set out in section 1, an active email account is required. (E-mail)


4. In-store purchases


The prices of the goods visible in the Store are the total prices of the goods, including VAT.

The Seller specifies that the total price of the order includes the price indicated in the Store

The price of the goods and, where applicable, the delivery costs.

The product selected for purchase must be added to the cart in the store.

The Buyer then selects from the products available in the store: the method of delivery of the goods and the method of payment for the order, and also provides the data necessary to complete the order.

The order is made upon confirmation of its content and accepts the Buyer’s regulations.

Placing an order is equivalent to entering into a Sales Contract between the Buyer and the Seller.

The Seller will provide the Consumer with a confirmation of the Sales Contract on a durable medium at the latest at the time of delivery of the goods.

The Buyer can register in the Store, that is to say create an Account or make purchases without registration by entering their data to make the order possible.



5. Payments


Depending on the Buyer’s choice, you can pay by ordinary transfer to the Seller’s Bank Account.


By using a payment card:



Visa Electron


MasterCard Electronic



By using the payment platform:



IPS Payment


If the Buyer chooses to pay in advance, the order must be paid within 2 working days of the order.

The Seller informs that, in the case of certain payment methods, due to their specificity, payment of the order by these means is only possible directly after the order

When making purchases in the Store, the Buyer accepts the use of electronic invoices by the Seller. The Buyer has the right to withdraw his acceptance.

Our service provider, the company LUMECAV SARL, is in charge of the management of electronic payments and is mandated for contracting with our electronic payment providers (Paygreen).


6. Execution of the order


The Seller is obliged to deliver goods without defects.

The duration of the Contract is indicated in the Store.

In the event that the Buyer has chosen prepayment for the order, the Seller will deliver the order after payment.

The goods are delivered exclusively within the territory of the European Union.

Goods purchased in the Store are delivered according to the delivery method chosen by the Buyer: By post or by delivery provider.


7. The right to rescind the Contract


The Consumer has the right to rescind the Contract concluded with the Seller via the Store, subject to paragraph 8 of the regulations, within 14 days, without giving any justification.

The withdrawal period from the Contract expires 14 days from:

the moment in which the Consumer has taken possession of the goods or the moment in which a third party, other than the carrier, designated by the Consumer, enters in possession of the goods.

The Conclusion of the Contract – in the case of a Contract for the supply of digital content.

In order for the Consumer to exercise his right of rescission of the Contract, he must inform the Seller, using the data provided in §2 of the Regulation, of his decision to rescind the Contract by an unequivocal declaration (for example, letter sent by mail or information sent by email).

The Consumer can use the withdrawal form at the end of the payment, but this is not mandatory.


To keep the withdrawal period from the Contract, it is sufficient for the Consumer to send information concerning the exercise of his right to rescind the Contract before the withdrawal deadline.




 In the event of rescission of the Contract, the Seller returns to the Consumer all payments he has received from him, including delivery costs (with the exception of additional costs resulting from the delivery method chosen by the consumer, other than the cheapest delivery method offered by the service provider) immediately and in any event no later than 14 days from the date on which the Seller was informed of the Consumer’s decision to exercise his right to rescind the Contract.

The Seller must return the payment using the same payment methods used by the Consumer during the initial transaction, unless otherwise agreed by the consumer. In any case, the Consumer will not bear any costs in connection with this reimbursement.

The Seller may withhold return of payment until receipt of the goods, depending on the first event that occurs.

The Seller asks you to return the goods to the following address: ZAMKNIĘTA, n ° 10, loc. 1.6, 30-554 Krakow, Poland immediately and no later than 14 days from the date on which the Consumer informed the Seller of the rescission of the Sales Contract. The deadline is met if the Consumer returns the goods before the expiration of the 14-day deadline.

The Consumer bears the direct costs of returning the goods.

The Consumer is only responsible for the decrease in the value of the product resulting from its use in a manner different from that which was necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the product.

If the goods cannot be returned normally by post, due to their nature, the Consumer will also have to bear the direct costs of returning the goods. The Consumer will be informed of the estimated amount of these costs by the Seller in the description of the products in the Store or when ordering.

If it is necessary to return funds for a transaction made by the Consumer with a payment card, the Seller will return it to the Bank Account assigned to that payment card.


8. Exceptions to the right to rescind the Contract



The right of withdrawal from the Contract concluded remotely is not granted to the Consumer in relation to the Contract:

In which the object of the service is a non-prefabricated item, manufactured to the specifications of the Consumer or serving to meet his individual needs.

In which the object of the service is an article subject to rapid deterioration or having a short lifespan.


In which the object of the service is an article delivered in a sealed packaging which, after opening the packaging, cannot be returned for reasons of health protection or hygiene, if the packaging has been opened after the delivery.


In which the objects of the service are objects which, after their delivery, are, by their nature, inseparably linked to other objects

For which the service relates to sound or visual recordings or software supplied in a sealed package, if the package has been opened after delivery.

For the delivery of newspapers, periodicals or magazines, with the exception of a Subscription Agreement.

In which the price or remuneration depends on fluctuations in the financial market, over which the entrepreneur has no control, and which may occur before the deadline for rescission of the Contract.

For the delivery of digital content that is not recorded on a tangible medium, if the performance of the service has started with the express consent of the Consumer before the expiration of the withdrawal period from the Contract and after having informed the entrepreneur of the loss of the right of withdrawal from the Contract.

The right to withdraw from a remote Contract is not available to an entity other than the Consumer.


9. Complaints


In the event of a defect in the goods, the Buyer has the option of lodging a complaint against the defective goods on the basis of the legal guarantee or the guarantee governed by the French Civil Code – if the guarantee is granted.

By using the guarantee, the Buyer can, under the conditions and deadlines specified in the French Civil Code: 

Submit a price reduction statement In the event of a material defect

Submit a declaration of rescission of the Contract. 

Request an exchange for a non-defective product 

Request removal of the defect

The Seller asks you to submit a warranty claim to the postal or electronic address indicated in §2 of the Regulations.

If it turns out that in order to examine the complaint it is necessary to deliver the goods advertised to the Seller, the Buyer is obliged to deliver the goods, in the case of the Consumer at the expense of the Seller, to the address ZAMKNIĘTA, n ° 10, loc. 1.6, 30-554 Krakow, Poland.

If an additional warranty is granted to the product, information about it, as well as its terms, is available in the description of the product in the Store.

Complaints regarding the operation of the Store should be addressed to the email address indicated in Article 2 of the regulations.

The examination of the complaint by the Seller will take place within 14 days. 


Extrajudicial ways of dealing with complaints and pursuing requests

In the event that the complaint procedure does not provide the result expected by the consumer, the latter can resort to:

A Mediation conducted by the competent Provincial Inspectorate of the Trade Inspectorate, from which you must request mediation. Generally, the procedure is free. The list of inspections can be found here: https://www.uokik.gov.pl/wazne_adresy.php#faq595.


Free help from the municipal or district Consumer Ombudsman.


 ODR web platform, available at: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/.


10. Personal data


The Controller of the personal data provided by the Buyer when using the Store is the Seller.

The Buyer’s personal data is processed on the basis of a Contract and for its implementation, in accordance with the principles set out in the General Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) on data protection. Detailed information on the processing of data by the Seller is included in the privacy policy published in the Store.


11. Claims


It is prohibited to provide the Buyer with illegal content.

Each order placed in the Store constitutes a separate sales contract and requires separate acceptance of the payment. The Contract is concluded in time to fulfil the order.

Contracts concluded on the basis of this regulation are concluded in English.

In the event of a dispute with the non-consumer Buyer, the competent court will be the competent court for the Seller’s registered office.

None of the provisions of this regulation exclude or limit the consumer’s rights under the law.

The product provisions apply accordingly to digital content, unless the regulation specifies these matters separately.


Annex n ° 1 of the Regulations


Below is a withdrawal form from which the Consumer can (but is not obliged) to use:



(this form must be completed and returned only if you wish to withdraw from the Contract)



ul. ZAMKNIĘTA, n ° 10, loc. 1.6, 30-554 Krakow, Poland

e-mail: cbdoo@cbdoo.shop


 – I / We (*) …………………  hereby inform of my / our withdrawal from the Sales Contract of the following (*) / for the provision of the following service (*) / for the delivery digital content in the form (*):


– Date of conclusion of the Contract (*)


 /received (*) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


 – Name and first name of the Consumer (s): ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……


– Address of the Consumer (s):


Consumer’ Signature


(only if the form is sent in paper version)


 Date …………………………………… ..


 (*) Delete if applicable


 Account Settlement


Account Regulation in the Cbdoo.shop Store | CBD Flowers





Contact with the seller

Technical requirements



Personal data



1. Definitions


Account – Free Store function (service) governed by these regulations, allowing the Buyer to create their Individual Account in the Store.


Buyer – every Buyer in the Store.


 Store – Cbdoo.shop online store, cbd flowers, – available at https://www.Cbdoo.shop.


 Seller – GOELEPHANT LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY with registered office at ZAMKNIĘTA Street, No. 10, loc. 1.6, 30-554 Krakow, Poland, registered in the National Court Register – Register of Entrepreneurs at the District Court of Krakow in downtown Krakow, XI Department of Commerce of the National Court, no. Krs 0000895538, tax identification number 6793215884, registration number 388719963.


 2. Contact with the Seller


Postal address: ul. ZAMKNIĘTA, n ° 10, loc. 1.6, 30-554 Krakow, POLSKA.


 Email address: cbdoo@cbdoo.shop


 Telephone: +33 7 66 31 07 50 +48 577 397 337


 3. Technical requirements


For the proper functioning and configuration of an account, you need:


an active email account

a device with Internet access

an internet browser that supports JavaScript and cookies


4. Account


The creation of an Account is entirely voluntary and depends on the will of the Buyer.

The Account provides the Buyer with additional options, such as: viewing the order history submitted by the Buyer in the Store, checking the order status or automatically modifying the Buyer’s data.

In order to create an account, complete the appropriate form in the Store.

When creating an account, a Contract is concluded for an indefinite period between the Buyer and the Seller in order to keep the Account under the conditions specified in the regulations.

The Buyer can delete the Account free of charge at any time.

To delete your account, please send your resignation to the Seller by email to cbdoo@cbdoo.shop, which will result in the immediate deletion of the Account and termination of the Maintenance Agreement.


5. Complaints



Complaints regarding the operation of the Account should be sent to the email address cbdoo@cbdoo.shop.

The examination of the complaint by the Seller will take place within 14 days. EXTRAJUDICIAL WAYS OF HANDLING COMPLAINTS AND PURSUING CLAIMS

In the event that the complaint procedure does not provide the result expected by the consumer, the latter can resort to:

A mediation conducted by the competent Provincial Inspectorate of Trade Inspection, from which you must request mediation. As a rule, the procedure is free. The list of inspections can be found here: https://www.uokik.gov.pl/wazne_adresy.php#faq595.


Free assistance from the municipal or district consumer ombudsman.


 ODR web platform, available at: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/.


 6. Personal data


The Controller of the personal data provided by the Buyer when using the Store is the Seller.

The Buyer’s personal data is processed on the basis of a Contract and for its implementation, in accordance with the principles set out in the General Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) on data protection. Detailed information on the processing of data by the Seller is included in the privacy policy published in the Store.


7. Claims


It is prohibited to provide the Buyer with illegal content.

The Account maintenance contract is concluded in English.

In the event of an important reason mentioned in paragraph 4, the Seller has the right to modify these regulations.

The important reasons mentioned in paragraph 3 are as follows:

the need to adapt the store to the legal provisions applicable to its operation

to improve the security of the service provided

change of functionality of the Account requiring a modification of the Account regulations.

The buyer will be informed of the planned modification of the general conditions of the Account at least 7 days before its implementation via an email sent to the address assigned to the Account.

If the Buyer does not accept the planned change, he must inform the seller by sending an appropriate message to the seller’s e-mail address cbdoo@cbdoo.shop, which will result in the termination of the Account agreement at the time of the entry into force of the proposed modification or earlier if the purchaser requests it.

In the event that the buyer does not oppose the proposed modification before its entry into force, he is deemed to have accepted it, which does not constitute an obstacle to the termination of the contract in the future.

In the event of a possible dispute with a buyer who is not a consumer, the competent court will be that of the seller’s headquarters.


None of the provisions of these Regulations exclude or limit the consumer’s rights under the law.