CBDOO presents the H4CBD.
This semi-synthetic form of cannabidiol has been particularly appreciated for
its power and pronounced soothing effects.
What exactly is H4CBD? What's its history? And how is it conceived? Follow us as CBDOO explains it all!
First of all, what is H4CBD?
Like H3CBN and HHCPO, H4CBD is a synthesized molecule. Schematically, it's a CBD molecule to which 4 hydrogen atoms have been added, hence its name, and its status as a
CBD derivative semi-synthetic. Because, basically, the CBD molecule is natural, but the addition of hydrogen is synthetic.
A little culture: the discovery of hydrogenated cannabidiol
The discovery of hydrogenated CBD dates back to the 1940s. It followed closely on the heels of the discovery of CBD itself. It was first synthesized by an Anglo-American research group called Todd, whose research focused on cannabinoids, their composition, effects and possible medical applications.
After them, their research went nowhere until, in 2006, H4CBD attracted the interest of a new group of American researchers: the American Chemical Society. Based on their discoveries, H4CBD became legal in the USA, before being exported to France.
Hydrogenated CBD? What's the difference?
At first glance, H4CBD is indistinguishable from classic CBD, with the same head, smell and taste. According to the findings of the American Chemical Society group, the main difference between CBD and its hydrogenated form is the stimulation of endocannabinoid receptors.
Whereas CBD only stimulates B2 receptors, H4CBD also appears to stimulate B1 receptors. These are the same receptors on which THC acts.
By stimulating more receptors, H4CBD produces relaxation effects.
more potent than CBD classic, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's similar to cannabis.
A molecule 100 times more powerful... Not quite!
You can read everywhere that this molecule is 100 times more potent than classic CBD. In fact, this is a shortcut taken from the American Chemical Society study. What the study says is that the molecule can interact up to 100 times more with CB1 receptors (which, by the way, isn't all that crazy, considering that classic CBD hardly clings to them at all!) and that doesn't necessarily mean that the high is 100 times more powerful!
To tell the truth, research on the subject is pretty thin at the moment. And if consumer reviews are anything to go by, H4CBD does indeed have a stronger effect. Its greater affinity with endoreceptors seems to be able to provide greater relaxing and anti-stress effects than classic CBD, but it doesn't give you a high.
How is Hash or Fleur de H4CBD made?
As already mentioned, the H4CBD molecule is synthesized in the laboratory. It is then added to hemp flowers and incorporated into hash. Want to know how it's done?
Well, it's pretty simple: once the molecule has been synthesized, it's incorporated into a more or less volatile solution, such as water or bioethanol. The flowers or pollen are then infused into the solution, and you wait for the water or bioethanol to evaporate completely. At the end of the process, all that's left is our flower or pollen and its H4CBD.
Production ends here for the flowers, but for the resin, we return to the normal creation process. We take the pollen and press it hot or cold, depending on the desired method, to obtain the type of resin we want.
The advantage of this process is that you have complete control over the dosage of H4CBD you wish to obtain in your flowers or resins!
Is H4CBD safe?
Hydrogenation of a molecule is in itself a century-old process, declared safe by the French Ministry of Agriculture and Food, and commonly used in the food industry, particularly on oils. Hydrogenated oils are the basis of vegetable margarine, and are used in the composition of many products such as cookies, pastries, ice creams, spreads, etc.
So, on the face of it, CBD being totally harmless and the process safe, the
H4CBD appears safe for users.
Nevertheless, it requires the use of certain solvents and other chemical compounds which must be disposed of at the end of the synthesis process. It is therefore advisable to buy only from trusted suppliers.
H4CBD and legality
Like many CBD derivatives (
Delta-p...), H4CBD is no longer legal as of June 03, 2024. It is therefore forbidden to sell, buy or hold it.
A few precautions
H4CBD being more powerful than traditional CBD, it is intended for experienced users. If this isn't your case, prefer to start by consuming a small quantity before increasing it.
Although rare and limited in time, certain side effects such as drowsiness, dry mouth or reduced appetite may be felt, particularly in cases of over-consumption or inappropriate dosage. If you are undergoing parallel medical treatment, consult your doctor.
Buy your H4CBD legal on CBDOO
We work with independent producers renowned for their expertise to bring you the very best of the best.
H4CBD, powerful and legal . Our teams take care to guarantee perfect quality so that you can enjoy a unique relaxation experience.
Each of our varieties of resins and flowers from
H4CBD have been rigorously selected to satisfy our most demanding customers.
Are you looking for a particular H4CBD product? Let us know, we're sure to find it for you!
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