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CBD trim: Our complete file

CBD trim in a spoon on a table



It's one of the flagship products of many CBD shops: CBD trim.

This fairly new term in France is gaining momentum with the development of the CBD industry following its legal commercialization in 2018. It's an Anglicism, so it's a gender-neutral term that can be used as masculine or feminine: you can just as easily say trim as trim, both are accurate. At CBDOO, we prefer to use it in the feminine, so here's our feature on CBD trim.


Trim what it means

The term "trim" is short for "trimming". In the world of cannabis and hemp, trimming refers to the process of cleaning plants. After drying, flowers are manicured, not nails trimmed, and any superfluous leaves removed.


This step is carried out for aesthetic reasons, as it allows us to have "clean" flowers with no leaves sticking out. But it also serves the consumer, as the leaves are less loaded with cannabinoids. If left, they would weigh down the buds, but the final product, once toasted, would be less concentrated.

hands that manicure a CBD head


What is CBD trim?

Although the term refers to the result of manicuring or cutting the leaves off the heads, trim is not just made up of pruning remains. It also contains flower pieces and loose trichomes in the form of a fine powder called kief.


As you know, dried CBD flowers are fragile and break rather easily. During transport, handling and picking, the flowers break and the trichomes detach. These remains and debris, no less good or less loaded with cannabinoids, are marketed under the term "CBD trim". This explains why there's such a wide difference in price and quality between all the products marketed under this term - we'll come back to the subject later - but you should know that the various trims can be made up, in varying proportions, of :

Cuttings and scraps: these mixtures contain many leaves, small fragments of flowers and branches.


Fragments broken during handling and transport: wholesale flowers are transported in very large bags. When the flowers are removed from these bags to be packaged in smaller bags and sent in batches to resellers and retailers, pieces of flower and many trichomes remain, which can be resold as CBD trim by wholesalers.


Debris and picking residue: picking or bagging can also be a source of trim. At CBDOO, our teams do the bagging themselves, by hand. It is sometimes necessary to break off a small piece of flower to perfectly match the weight you have ordered. These flower fragments are left aside for later use and can be sold as trim.

A bunch of CBD flowers


How to consume CBD trim

Trim can be consumed like conventional CBD flowers. In fact, its fragmented nature doesn't change much. After a quick run through the grinder, whether or not the flower was originally whole, the result is the same!

So you can :


Use it as an infusion: if you're on the infusion team, trim is clearly the best choice for you, as there's no need to grind the plant or anything. You just put your trim in your tea ball and off you go! Just remember to add a fatty substance to the water (milk, cream, butter or honey), as cannabinoids don't dissolve in water, unlike terpenes and flavonoids, but attach themselves to fat molecules!


Consumption by ingestion: Yes, trim, whether it's just flower and leaf fragments, is directly edible. But we still recommend that you make a CBD oil or butter, which you can then cook!


Vaporization: Vaporization is an increasingly popular way of consuming CBD. It allows you to "smoke" your CBD without combustion. The principle is simple. The device takes the form of a vaporizer, with a small heated compartment into which you place your CBD trim. This compartment vaporizes the CBD's active ingredients without burning them, then all you have to do is inhale and let yourself be transported.


A quick reminder for the few who wonder if CBD in trim can be smoked. The answer is no. Not because it doesn't burn, but because in France, CBD is legal, but smoking isn't, because burning the product carries health risks.



Advantages and disadvantages of trim

As we've said, trim has the advantage of saving you a bit of time, especially if you consume your CBD as an herbal tea. But that's not its main advantage. No, the main reason it's so popular is that CBD trim is cheap(and also, to a certain extent, because by buying trim, you're reusing parts of the flower that would otherwise be considered waste).


On the other hand, its main disadvantage is its price. In Ganjaman and GanjaWoman cultivation, it's best to have big CBD buds. Small buds are less in demand, as they are less valued and the trim even less so than small buds. As a basic commercial principle, trim is less valued, so it's less in demand, and therefore much cheaper.


The second drawback is that trim can come with a few surprises. Indeed, when you buy trim on the Internet, despite the promises the site may make, it's often a bit of a lottery. You may end up with a maximum number of fragments or, conversely, a maximum number of sheets. Which makes a big difference, especially if you use it as a vaporizer.


What are the effects of CBD trim?

As we said about consumption, whether the flowers are whole or fragmented, it doesn't change the taste or the effect of the CBD. Trim therefore has exactly the same effects as conventional CBD flowers. Depending on the variety and CBD concentration, Trim may have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anxiolytic and analgesic potential. If you'd like to find out more about the beneficial effects of CBD according to scientific studies, we refer you to our article on the subject!

A pile of trim on a table with a CBD farm in the background


Taste quality trim and tell us what you think!

As you can see, the trim can be an excellent choice for any consumer ready to give up on big buds in exchange for a rock-bottom price.


That's why trim is so sought-after: it's the cheapest product on the market, but its quality can leave something to be desired. That's why we advise you to buy CBD trim from retailers whose product quality has been proven.


At CBDOO, we select and taste all our products, to assure you of infallible quality. What's more, for us, the price of our products shouldn't be a barrier to consumers looking for exotic or potent products such as 10-OH-HHC or muscimol, which is why we offer you trims of CBD derivatives whose quality has nothing to envy the big buds!


Try our trim and let us know what you think!

Our CBD Products

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